Welcome to our 58th annual Gymnastics Association of Texas Conference.   Look around, as we have attendees from not only Texas but from Louisiana, Colorado, Utah, Oklahoma and California.  Take time to introduce yourself to your fellow coaches that you may not know.  Afterall, that is how GAT started all those years ago....it was a GAThering of like-minded gymnastics educators.

Please take the time to create your own unique schedule of sessions you are wanting to attend this weekend. This is also the best way to get the most up to date schedule should things change or should announcements need to be sent out to our attendees.

We are thrilled to announce our exclusive equipment partnership with SPIETH America, bringing together our expertise to elevate gymnastics education and training. This collaboration marks a historic milestone for both organizations as we join esteemed industry partners. As the Gymnastics Association of Texas (GAT), known for our comprehensive gymnastics education programs, we will now have access to SPIETH America’s cutting-edge equipment and educational resources, including sessions on Parkour and NCAA Acro and Tumbling. Together, we are dedicated to fostering growth, innovation, and safety within the gymnastics community.

If you have any questions about anything during the weekend, don’t hesitate to see one of us at the downstairs registration desk. Let us know what you like or areas where we can improve our service to you.

A lot of planning has gone into this conference, so we hope you have a wonderful weekend of great gymnastics education!

From your Gymnastics Association of Texas Board of Directors
avatar for Jennifer Anderson

Jennifer Anderson

Liberty Gymnastics
Tx Xcel Chair/NAWGJ Official/GAT Board
avatar for Eric Briley

Eric Briley

Saginaw High School
TGJA Technical VP
avatar for Ramon Brown

Ramon Brown

Showcase Gymnastics
avatar for Mary Wright, MNZM, HOF, Olympic Coach

Mary Wright, MNZM, HOF, Olympic Coach

Masters of Sport
avatar for Emily Correa

Emily Correa

Jackrabbit Class
Director of Marketing
avatar for Cheryl Cupples

Cheryl Cupples

GAT Board
Education Director
avatar for Jan Eyman

Jan Eyman

GymTricks Gymnastics
Coach/Owner/National Judge

María Inés Flores

The Powerful Athlete.com

Zach Francis

World Champions Centre
General Manager
avatar for Chere Hoffman

Chere Hoffman

Masters of Sport
Co Owner
avatar for Allison Huddleston

Allison Huddleston

Champions Westlake
avatar for Bryan Kiser

Bryan Kiser

Katy Gymnastics and Sports Performance

Claudia Kretschmer

Gym America
avatar for Nicole Langevin

Nicole Langevin

Precision Choreo & Camps
avatar for Ashley Lebeau

Ashley Lebeau

Champaign Gymnastics Academy
Rec Director

Connie Maloney

USA Gymnastics
Women's Jr. Olympic Technical Director
avatar for Carly Markesich

Carly Markesich

Discover Gymnastics
avatar for Katie Massey

Katie Massey

Showcase Gymnastics
Resident fun coach
avatar for Ellen May

Ellen May

Moseley Gymnastics,LLC
avatar for Chris McNabb

Chris McNabb

iClassPro and iCampPro
Founder & CEO
avatar for Colin McNabb

Colin McNabb

Gym University
Owner/Senior Coach

Denson Moore

Champions Gymnastics
Team Coach
avatar for Kevin Muenz

Kevin Muenz

Garland ISD
avatar for Courtney Parker

Courtney Parker

Coach I Men's Judge
avatar for Jerit Pogue

Jerit Pogue

Alpha Omega Gymnastics
avatar for Sarah Pogue

Sarah Pogue

Alpha Omega Gymnastics and Dance
Owner and Head Girls Team Coach
avatar for Frank Sahlein

Frank Sahlein

3rd Level Consulting and IACDP
avatar for Andy Seeley

Andy Seeley

Creatively Disruptive
avatar for Mark Sherman

Mark Sherman

avatar for Brandi Smith, PT, FAAOMPT, OCS

Brandi Smith, PT, FAAOMPT, OCS

Perfect 10.0 Physical Therapy & Performance Training
Physical Therapy
avatar for Brittany Stout

Brittany Stout

Eagle’s Wings Athletics
ITP 501
avatar for Cameron Sweny

Cameron Sweny

Nationally Rated Judge
avatar for Eddie Umphrey

Eddie Umphrey

Grace Gymnastics
Owner Head Coach
avatar for Cortnee White

Cortnee White

avatar for Brandi Wren

Brandi Wren

GAT Board
National Superior rated Acrobatic Gymnastics judge and former...
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